Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ixxi: Pixelated Pictures For Your Walls

Ixxi: Pixelated Pictures For Your Walls

Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring, in pixels. Once you have picked a picture, you need to put the thing up on the wall. Ixxi consists of plastic-coated “tiles” that are joined together with snap-on x-section clips (with simple i-shaped clips for the edges). These clips then stick in turn to “powerstrips,” essentially double-sided tape that sticks to the wall.
Ixxi uses x-shaped clips to hold it together

The best designs are clearly the pixellated versions of old masters. I like the Van Gogh self portrait, and Vermeer's Girl With a Pearl Necklace.
Ixxi: Pixelated Pictures For Your Walls

Gadget Lab, Ixxi: Pixelated Pictures For Your Walls

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