Monday, December 19, 2011

ITC sides with Apple, bans sale and import of some HTC phones (updated)

ITC sides with Apple, bans sale and import of some HTC phones (updated)

The ITC has issued a ruling in favor of Apple Inc., banning the sale and import or certain HTC phones in the US. The ruling, which was widely expected to finally be handed down today after being delayed twice, finds that HTC violates a pair of patents held by the Cupertino company regarding the formatting of data (such as phone numbers) in otherwise unstructured documents (such as emails) allowing users to interact with them. The ban isn't scheduled to be enacted until April 19th of 2012, giving HTC and Google plenty of time to address the court's concerns.

Engadget, ITC sides with Apple, bans sale and import of some HTC phones (updated)

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