Sunday, September 23, 2012

Leaked Zuckerberg IMs: “but it's not like i took the idea [for Facebook] from you”

Leaked Zuckerberg IMs: “but it's not like i took the idea [for Facebook] from you”

It's amazing how many people come out of the woodwork when you're billion-dollar cool and have a major motion picture made about your life. Today, Aaron Greenspan, who was an Zuckerberg collaborator at Harvard and is currently promoting his book about–you guessed it, Facebook at Harvard–released a cache of alleged emails and IM conversations spanning the early days of Facebook. There's nothing close to a smoking gun or anything that would change the Winklevoss trial, but the alleged conversations document Zuckerberg's early struggles with claiming his idea.

Ubergizmo , Leaked Zuckerberg IMs: “but it's not like i took the idea [for Facebook] from you”, Leaked Zuckerberg IMs: “but it's not like i took the idea [for Facebook] from you”

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