Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Boxee Box Rebranded To Cloud DVR

Boxee Box Rebranded To Cloud DVR

Boxee has just lifted the curtain on a new offering for a cloud-based DVR, where this rebranded Boxee TV has been given a new moniker, which would be the Boxee Cloud DVR that delivers up to five hours of DVR playback each month when it comes to the new free plan for users of the hardware. If you are one who participated in the paid tier, then unlimited, indefinite storage would still be available. The first round of rollout would be limited to just eight major metropolitan areas, and they will include Washington DC, New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, and Los Angeles.

Ubergizmo , Boxee Box Rebranded To Cloud DVR, Boxee Box Rebranded To Cloud DVR

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