Sunday, May 13, 2012

Arduino mechs learn RobotC, plot assimilation with Lego Mindstorms

Arduino mechs learn RobotC, plot assimilation with Lego Mindstorms

Arduino boards have smoothed the creation of lots of eccentric , but robotics and controllers are still not for the faint of heart. Luckily, RoboMatter is coming to the rescue of would-be roboticists with a public beta version of its C-based RobotC language for Arduino. Joining Lego Mindstorm and other bots, Arduino will get RobotC's straightforward sensor and motor controls, along with a debugger and sample program library, while still keeping its native Wiring language.

Engadget, Arduino mechs learn RobotC, plot assimilation with Lego Mindstorms

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