Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Speedometer Free: Measure Your Need for Speed.

Speedometer Free: Measure Your Need for Speed.

The need for speed.  We all know it, we all feel it.  Hodel Apps knows it and has an app for that. Speedometer Free is an app developed for iPhone/iPad that measures how fast you're moving.  My husband, who takes CalTrain to work every morning, was on the train cruising right along when it occurred to him that he wanted to know just how fast the train was moving along the tracks.  So he searched for an app that measured speed and came up with this gem.  And discovered that his particular train was chucking along and a nice 82 miles per hour.  Sweet.

If it's free, it's me, and Free Speedometer is free.

The Gadgeteer, Speedometer Free: Measure Your Need for Speed.

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