Sunday, October 16, 2011

RIM BlackBerry Bold 9790 And Curve 9380 Confirmed

RIM BlackBerry Bold 9790 And Curve 9380 Confirmed

RIM has recently confirmed the availability of the BlackBerry Bold 9790 and Curve 9380. The BlackBerry Bold 9790 features a 2.44-inch (360 x 480) touchscreen display, a 1.2GHz processor, a full QWERTY keyboard and an 8GB of internal memory. The BlackBerry Curve 9380 (Curve Touch) has a 3.2-inch (360 x 480) touchscreen display and an 800MHz processor. Both handsets support NFC and and a 5MP camera with 720p video recording.
RIM BlackBerry Bold 9790 And Curve 9380 Confirmed

TechFresh, RIM BlackBerry Bold 9790 And Curve 9380 Confirmed

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