Thursday, April 26, 2012

Amazon's Q1 2012 earnings: net income down 35 percent to $130 million, net sales at $13.18 billion

Amazon's Q1 2012 earnings: net income down 35 percent to $130 million, net sales at $13.18 billion

It's no Apple-sized quarter, but you'd need to be on HGTV's Million Dollar Rooms a handful of times over to scoff at Amazon's Q1 2012 earnings. Or, you know, Wall Street. After reporting $177 million in net earnings last quarter (on $17.43 billion in revenue), the online sales behemoth has today registered $13.18 billion in net sales - proudly reporting that said tally was up from the $9.86 billion in its Q1 a year ago. Excluding the $56 million unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter, net sales would have grown 34 percent compared with first quarter 2011.

Engadget, Amazon's Q1 2012 earnings: net income down 35 percent to $130 million, net sales at $13.18 billion

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