Thursday, April 26, 2012

Columbia's GPS Pal app for Android and iOS logs your hikes, geotags memories (video)

Columbia's GPS Pal app for Android and iOS logs your hikes, geotags memories (video)

Move over, My Tracks - you've got serious company. Google's own adventure tracking app just got majorly one-upped by a company that also happens to make heated jackets. Columbia's just-launched GPS Pal app is not only available on both Android and iOS, but it's actually designed to be used with a user account so that activity logs are neatly housed in a searchable, organized portal. It's free to download, and aside from monitoring your hikes and treks via GPS, it also syncs photos, videos, and trail information to a web journal automatically, complete with pinpoint geotagging information on each piece of media.

Engadget, Columbia's GPS Pal app for Android and iOS logs your hikes, geotags memories (video)

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