Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quake 4 with Cross-Platform Multiplayer Lands on Mac App Store

Quake 4 with Cross-Platform Multiplayer Lands on Mac App Store

Quake 4, which was originally released for the Mac in 2006, is now available on the Mac App Store for $19.99. Given older games prior to this that have landed with only 'campaign' modes and without a multiplayer component, Mac gamer fans will be glad to know that this one will not only include online play but will also allow online play across platforms. The online play is said to support game modes and types like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Tournament, Capture the Flag, Arena CTF and DeadZone. In order to play the game, your Mac will require an Intel processor and as for video cards that are supported, there is a vast list available.

Ubergizmo, Quake 4 with Cross-Platform Multiplayer Lands on Mac App Store

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