Friday, August 24, 2012

Shared data plans may not be so bad: Average smartphone owners use less than 2GB of data

Shared data plans may not be so bad: Average smartphone owners use less than 2GB of data

. There has been a lot of fuss going around about Verizon (VZ) and AT&T's (T) new shared data plans. While the nation's two largest carriers claim the plans will save consumers money, Sprint (S) and T-Mobile have both spoken out in opposition of shared data, as have a number of disgruntled customers. Shared data plans may not be all bad for the average smartphone owner, however. According to a study from NPD Group, the majority of smartphone subscribers on Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile use less than 2GB of data per month.

Boy Genius Report , Shared data plans may not be so bad: Average smartphone owners use less than 2GB of data, Shared data plans may not be so bad: Average smartphone owners use less than 2GB of data

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