Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Vancouver bridge closed because design causes 'ice bombs' to rain down on cars (video)

New Vancouver bridge closed because design causes 'ice bombs' to rain down on cars (video)

Spanning 10 lanes of traffic, the Port Mann Bridge (shown in the rendering above) just outside of Vancouver, Canada is currently the widest bridge in the world. Unfortunately, it might also hold a new record for the shortest period of time a new bridge has remained open. The cable-stayed bridge just opened to full traffic earlier this month, but on Wednesday it was shut down due to massive chunks of ice falling from the cables and striking vehicles, which sent at least two people to the hospital.

Autoblog , New Vancouver bridge closed because design causes 'ice bombs' to rain down on cars (video)

See also:
technologypulse, New Vancouver bridge closed because design causes 'ice bombs' to rain down on cars (video)

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