Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Apple releases iOS 4.3.5, will this be the last for the yondaime?

Apple releases iOS 4.3.5, will this be the last for the yondaime?

Less than ten days after iOS 4.3.4 parachuted in to fix that nasty PDF exploit, Apple's gone and dropped another iOS update. So what'll Cupertino's latest fix today. Build 8L1 — or 8E600 on 4.2.10 if you're using the CDMA version — apparently nixes a vulnerability with “certificate validation,” or you know, Apple's just really fond of keeping all you hackers on your toes. Either way, it's time to fire up iTunes. And oh by the way, this 4.3.5 can still be jailbroken using redSnow, tethered of course.

2DayBlog.com, Apple releases iOS 4.3.5, will this be the last for the yondaime?

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