Friday, July 29, 2011

Motorized Suzuki couch car looks comfortable but not practical

Motorized Suzuki couch car looks comfortable but not practical

It never ceases to amaze how many different kinds of innovations companies can come up with that help to make life so much more comfortable and convenient, although we're thinking that the Suzuki motorized couch definitely takes the cake. The EV Couch Car also happens to be Suzuki's very first EV, so I guess we should be giving them points for novelty and effort. The EV Couch Car runs on a 48-volt Club Car motor that juices up on eight, 6W deep cycle batts hidden underneath the rather ugly upholstery of the 80-inch x 36.5-inch sofa that is built atop a chassis with a wheelbase of around 25 inches.

Ubergizmo, Motorized Suzuki couch car looks comfortable but not practical

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