Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nokia shows off RSS, email and notes app of the N9

Nokia shows off RSS, email and notes app of the N9

Those of you pining to get your hands on a Nokia MeeGo device will have to wait until the N9 launches (supposedly in August) or sign up for the developer program in order to get the N950. But since most of us aren't developers (if not we would've gotten the N950 by now) we'll just have to resort to gobbling up whatever tidbits we can find of the phone online. Nokia has been doing a pretty good job of showcasing the N9′s features on its official blog, and today we get a detailed walkthrough of three useful apps that will be found on the phone - Mail, Notes and Feeds.

Ubergizmo, Nokia shows off RSS, email and notes app of the N9

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