Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Buying an iPhone in HK? You'll need an ID and some luck for that

Buying an iPhone in HK? You'll need an ID and some luck for that

Getting a new Apple product like the iPhone and iPad has never been an easy task; people had to queue up overnight, some launch their product in midnight but thanks to scalpers in Hong Kong, getting the new iPhone 4S has just gotten much harder. Buyers of the iPhone 4S in Hong Kong will now need to reserve the phone online and present their ID before being able to get their hands on the new gadget. But it's not as simple as that because these customers won't be guaranteed a unit. There'll only be limited units of the phone available each day so Apple will be using a lottery system to randomly pick eligible customers.

2DayBlog.com, Buying an iPhone in HK? You'll need an ID and some luck for that

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