Friday, February 3, 2012

ComScore on US Smartphone Market Share: Despite Late iPhone 4S Surge, Android Closes Out Q4 Ahead of All

ComScore on US Smartphone Market Share: Despite Late iPhone 4S Surge, Android Closes Out Q4 Ahead of All

Comscore have released their Q4 2011 numbers for smartphone market share in the United States. Earlier reports suggested Apple would take a great chunk of the share back from Android with the launch of the iPhone 4S, and while they did have a great spurt to close the year out it didn't hurt Android as much as some might have thought it would. They found that Android still grew 2.5% more over the previous quarter at 47.3% vs 44.8%. Apple, on the other hand, grew 2.2% more over the previous quarter with 29.6% vs 27.4%. Everyone else is on the decline, a trend that has held true for quite some time now.

Android Phone, ComScore on US Smartphone Market Share: Despite Late iPhone 4S Surge, Android Closes Out Q4 Ahead of All

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