Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fisker Karma hybrid EV ignites in parking space as owner returns from grocery run

Fisker Karma hybrid EV ignites in parking space as owner returns from grocery run

Fisker Automotive can't seem to catch break - because its Karma hybrid EV sedan has yet again become too hot. Similar to an incident last spring that left a model burnt to near smithereens and damaged its owner's house, the Karma above caught fire in a Woodside, CA parking lot while powered off. Jalopnik was to first to get word of the incident, noting that the damage remained reserved to the front left of the vehicle, near where an exhaust is located.

Engadget , Fisker Karma hybrid EV ignites in parking space as owner returns from grocery run, Fisker Karma hybrid EV ignites in parking space as owner returns from grocery run

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