Wednesday, August 15, 2012

HTC CEO issues rallying call to staff, tells them to 'kill bureaucracy'

HTC CEO issues rallying call to staff, tells them to 'kill bureaucracy'

HTC's Peter Chou is having his own "burning platform" moment after sending a company-wide email, leaked to Bloomberg, entitled "We are coming back." The CEO, shocked at recent sales dips has talked of a company lacking "decision, strategic direction or [a] sense of urgency" and requested that employees should "kill bureaucracy." He praised the success of the well-lauded One X, but said that the company's own "processes, rules and norms" could be stumbling blocks, instead urging employees to "follow rules and criteria, but don't let small things kill the major goals." The missive has already been confirmed as real by an HTC spokesperson, who p

Engadget , HTC CEO issues rallying call to staff, tells them to 'kill bureaucracy'

See also:
computerworld, HTC CEO issues rallying call to staff, tells them to 'kill bureaucracy'

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