Monday, October 10, 2011

First iPhone 4S video reveals benchmark scores, Siri ‘raise to speak' [video]

First iPhone 4S video reveals benchmark scores, Siri ‘raise to speak' [video]

. The first hands-on video of the iPhone 4S has hit the web and early benchmarks suggest the phone's dual-core Apple A5 processor provides vast improvements over the A4 chip in the iPhone 4. The short one-minute clip from AppVV shows the iPhone 4S achieving a BrowserMark score of 89,567 compared to the iPhone 4′s score of 44,856. In addition, the iPhone 4S garnered a score of 2222.1ms from the JavaScript SunSpider benchmark. That is significantly faster than the iPhone 4, which scored 10669.4ms. The video also reveals a unique way to interact with Apple's Siri voice-command engine.

Boy Genius Report, First iPhone 4S video reveals benchmark scores, Siri ‘raise to speak' [video]

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